
This is a page of books that should be useful in your pursuit of learning more open source tools and improving your skills at using them. Right now, I’ve just got books that I’ve written. I plan on adding more. Contact me if you have suggestions or recommendations.

Stuff What I Done Writ

I enjoy writing. I also enjoy sharing knowledge. Books seem to be a natural outlet for those combined enjoyable pastimes. So I’ve written a few. I intend on writing more. Watch this page closely. New stuff is a-comin'.

Blender For Dummies, 4th Edition

We’re in the 4th edition of this book now and it’s still serving well as a great beginner’s reference for Blender. Between this book and the free tutorials posted on its companion website, you can get yourself a great start into the world of 3D computer graphics.

GIMP Bible

Looking for a comprehensive reference on using GIMP? That’s the whole reason for GIMP Bible to exist. Although this book was released a few years back, nearly all of the information in it is still useful and relevant. It’s handy if your just starting out or if you’re looking for more complete knowledge of what’s probably the world’s most well-known open source image editor.