#28 Defeating Comparisonitis

Posted on Wednesday, Feb 8, 2017
This week we have a more positive (I hope) follow-up to last week’s rant. We’re talking about comparisonitis… that feeling of “I can’t do that” when you see the incredible work of another artist or find out about another person’s level of success in a field similar to yours.Originally posted on monsterjavaguns.com.

Show Notes

This week we have a more positive (I hope) follow-up to last week’s rant. We’re talking about comparisonitis… that feeling of “I can’t do that” when you see the incredible work of another artist or find out about another person’s level of success in a field similar to yours. I give a little hat-tip to the annual SIGGRAPH Conference and hopefully cover a few tips to help get by that comparisonitis feeling and get focused on creating our own fantastic work.

What about you? Do you ever get a sense of comparisonitis? What kinds of things do you do to beat that beast?


Jason van Gumster

Jason van Gumster

“I make stuff. I make stuff up. On occasion, I stuff-up what I make. I don’t do much stuff with make-up… though I’m not above trying. I work in all kinds of media: words, animation, ink, coffee, wood, video. And, of course, I’m really passionate about open source and open content, so that’s what I talk about in this show. Books I’ve written and other creative experiments I’ve made can be seen on monsterjavaguns.com.”